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Masters in Francedirector:
One Pixel Wide#Stormur
Sigur Ros
Director: One Pixel Wide
Interactive music videos created though user generated content, are definitely a trending phenomenon as this is the fourth we’ve encountered in the last months! Designed by the same One Pixel Wide artists (responsible also for Sigur Ros – #Stormur Instagram extravaganza), “Flexin'” is targeting users of the Vine app.
This ever evolving promo syncs the audio track with Vine films, hashtagged with key-words from the song’s lyrics. Like one clip in particular? Just click on it and it will open in a new window, giving you the opportunity of checking out more detailed information about the uploading user.
Beware : you might encounter possible NSFW content!
Caution: The promo doesn’t work with Firefox. Use IE, Chrome, Safari or Opera!
The music video will automatically pause once you press another browser tab or internet window. So yes, you can’t have it playing in the background, as it requires your full and undistributed attention!
On a personal note, Vine has more fun, amateurishly filmed, home-made content, so if you’re exclusively into artsy stuff, better stick to the Sigur Ros vid. However, dull clips could be found also included in the Instagram generated promo, while Flexin‘ did occasionally surprise us with some witty vids!
Tags: directors from UK, interactive, personalized experience