Banned CK ad reprised in music video Before Marky Mark’s sixpack skyrocketed the sales of white Calvins, the company produced a series of Warhol-inspired CK jeans commercials. These were shot in some small wood-paneled back office and featured male and female actors-models posing, while answering suggestive questions from the man behind the camera. Some Americans associated these tv ads with evil things like prostitution, screentests for porn movies and child pornography, and the ads were quickly banned. Now, the retro-new wave-synth pop artist Twin Shadow recaptures the awkwardness of the banned ads in his music video for Slow, shot on VHS and directed by Alex Markman. “Do you like muscle cars?”

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    Lo/No Budget




    Twin Shadow


    Alex Markman

    Slow on SubmarineChannel blog


    Castles in the Snow

    Twin Shadow

    Director: Jamie Harley


    Banned CK ad reprised in music video

    Before Marky Mark’s sixpack skyrocketed the sales of white Calvins, the company produced a series of Warhol-inspired CK jeans commercials. These were shot in some small wood-paneled back office and featured male and female actors-models posing, while answering suggestive questions from the man behind the camera. Some Americans associated these tv ads with evil things like prostitution, screentests for porn movies and child pornography, and the ads were quickly banned. Now, the retro-new wave-synth pop artist Twin Shadow recaptures the awkwardness of the banned ads in his music video for Slow, shot on VHS and directed by Alex Markman.
    “Do you like muscle cars?”

    Tags: social comment

    Lo/No Budget

    21 Clips

    What can you do on a shoestring budget? A lot! There are some great clips made by resourceful directors that prove that you don’t need busloads to make something worth watching.

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