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Electric Cinema
The Young Professionalsdirector:
Gil ZablodovskyVideo art inspired by P.O.P from The Young Professionals
Photography and editing: Gil Zablodovsky
P.O.P on SubmarineChannel
P.O.P. Music Video Art: What’s not to like?
Not so original, according to some. Been done before, according to others. But we don’t care, because we can watch this video for hours on end on repeat without eeeeeever getting bored. It’s pure alchemy. Like staring into the Primordial Soup.
Tags: vfxThis magical music video art piece-de-resistance was done by Israeli media artist and designer Gil Zablodovsky who experimented with this effects before. In his project 25th Hour, Zablodovsky places materials on top of speakers to explore “the therapeutic qualities of sound.” All Zen, we feel…………..
More about 25th Hour on DesignGush