Have you ever heard of Clutchy Hopkins? He’s a mightily mysterious musician, who’s  father had been a recording engineer for Motown bands – passed down everything he knew. Clutchy’s recordings and journals were found under the care of a Cahuilla Indian Mohave shaman who Clutchy had studied under: the writings of a musical gypsy who traveled the world investigating consciousness and its relation to music. But I digress! Super hotshot Dutch creative Christian Borstlap (of delightful Klokhuis leader fame), assisted by the lovely and talented former SubmarineChannel intern, Jorrit Spoelstra, made this beautiful video for Clutchy’s new ditty, Verbal Headlock.

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    Verbal Headlock


    Clutchy Hopkins


    Christian Borstlap

    SubmarineChannel blog post


    Verbal Headlock

    Have you ever heard of Clutchy Hopkins? He’s a mightily mysterious musician, who’s  father had been a recording engineer for Motown bands – passed down everything he knew. Clutchy’s recordings and journals were found under the care of a Cahuilla Indian Mohave shaman who Clutchy had studied under: the writings of a musical gypsy who traveled the world investigating consciousness and its relation to music. But I digress!

    Super hotshot Dutch creative Christian Borstlap (of delightful Klokhuis leader fame), assisted by the lovely and talented former SubmarineChannel intern, Jorrit Spoelstra, made this beautiful video for Clutchy’s new ditty, Verbal Headlock.

    Tags: stop-motion