When it comes to Nordic film-makers, always expect the unexpected! Although it remains unclear what brings these cryptic characters together and what exactly happens at their party, the music video for  Islaja’s “See No Sun” is definitely a bizarre yet weirdly enjoyable experience. Film by: Carlos Vasquez, Petri Henriksson, Núria Manzaneda, Jørund Hannevold, Özde Bayer, Martín Oliveros Heinze, Josefine Capelle, Anna Deiml.

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    Nordic Wave


    See No Sun




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    See No Sun

    When it comes to Nordic film-makers, always expect the unexpected! Although it remains unclear what brings these cryptic characters together and what exactly happens at their party, the music video for  Islaja’s “See No Sun” is definitely a bizarre yet weirdly enjoyable experience.

    Film by:
    Carlos Vasquez, Petri Henriksson, Núria Manzaneda, Jørund Hannevold, Özde Bayer, Martín Oliveros Heinze, Josefine Capelle, Anna Deiml.

    Tags: directors from Colombia, directors from Finland, directors from Norway, experimental, live-action

    Nordic Wave

    21 Clips

    A brain-melting and heart-warming collection of music videos created by emerging talents from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland.

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