Karolina Gruszka in Polish Music Video Rewind is the somewhat disturbing music video featuring Polish rising superstar Karolina Gruszka, who played “lost girl” in David Lynch‘s Inland Empire. Rewind director Florian Malak saw an amazing performance by Gruska in the theater. Instantly smitten, he decided to just pick up the phone and call the actress. “I told her that I had this idea for her, and she said yes!” says Malak, “Really crazy, because she didn’t know me at all.” With Warsaw’s Central Station as the backdrop, the music video shows how the glamorous actress transforms from elegant style icon into a battered and confused homeless person. Beautifully shot by DOP Wojtek Zielinski on a DSLR, which added authenticity to the film, explains Malak, “Thanks to such a small camera most people didn’t realize that we were filming and were convinced that Karolina was actually a homeless women.”

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    Electric Cinema






    Florian Malak

    Florian Malak on Vimeo


    Rewind blog post on SubmarineChannel



    Karolina Gruszka in Polish Music Video

    Rewind is the somewhat disturbing music video featuring Polish rising superstar Karolina Gruszka, who played “lost girl” in David Lynch‘s Inland Empire. Rewind director Florian Malak saw an amazing performance by Gruska in the theater. Instantly smitten, he decided to just pick up the phone and call the actress.

    “I told her that I had this idea for her, and she said yes!” says Malak, “Really crazy, because she didn’t know me at all.” With Warsaw’s Central Station as the backdrop, the music video shows how the glamorous actress transforms from elegant style icon into a battered and confused homeless person. Beautifully shot by DOP Wojtek Zielinski on a DSLR, which added authenticity to the film, explains Malak, “Thanks to such a small camera most people didn’t realize that we were filming and were convinced that Karolina was actually a homeless women.”

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