Ok, so this might not be our usual cup of tea as it’s actually a TV performance for an Estonian competition meant to pick the 2013 Eurovision entry (yes, you read it right! and yes it’s that song festival making our ears bleed once a year). But who could deny the brilliance of the camera operators & editors that decided to milk the crazyness of this performance to the maximum? Certainly not us! Though clearly on top of our guilty pleasures, we were simply too mesmerized to stop watching. Pity they didn’t win as we would have loved to see a Swedish touch (and maybe twist) on the broadcast! via Caspar Sonnen            

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    Lo/No Budget


    Meiecundimees uks Korsakov laks eile Latti


    Winny Puhh


    EESTI LAUL 2013


    Meiecundimees uks Korsakov laks eile Latti

    Ok, so this might not be our usual cup of tea as it’s actually a TV performance for an Estonian competition meant to pick the 2013 Eurovision entry (yes, you read it right! and yes it’s that song festival making our ears bleed once a year). But who could deny the brilliance of the camera operators & editors that decided to milk the crazyness of this performance to the maximum? Certainly not us! Though clearly on top of our guilty pleasures, we were simply too mesmerized to stop watching.

    Pity they didn’t win as we would have loved to see a Swedish touch (and maybe twist) on the broadcast!

    via Caspar Sonnen







    Tags: band performance, controversial

    Lo/No Budget

    21 Clips

    What can you do on a shoestring budget? A lot! There are some great clips made by resourceful directors that prove that you don’t need busloads to make something worth watching.

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